Monday, April 25, 2011

Be a Missionary...

This week we will be talking about missionaries. We'll be getting the 5 W's & 1 H questions answered for us as we try to investigate what the word "missionary" really means!

If you start hearing a clapping song about being a missionary everyday...well, now you know where it's coming from! I'll post a video later of them singing it!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21st

Okay! Now that I have everything uploaded from the old site onto this one, we should be able to keep it running until the end of the school year! Sorry for the lack of updates, but for some reason all the videos left the old site, and then it stopped letting me put new posts up. So, I decided to make a new blog all together. This is our last day before Easter, and we have been working on learning what happened during Holy Week, and the Resurrection of Jesus. They had fun making "Resurrection Rolls" earlier this week. We took crescent rolls, then stuck a marshmallow in the middle and rolled them up. After they baked, we opened up the rolls (Tomb) and saw that the marshmallow was gone! Not only did it help understand what we were learning about, but it was a very tasty treat as well!

Feb. 28th

Unfortunately, I can’t find my cord to upload photos and videos from my phone. However, here is a little update with what we have been up to!
We’ve recently learned a little about valentine’s history. For about a week, we examined different valentine’s day “Legends” . We learned that no matter what the “Legends” say, the stories were all focused on love, and that love comes from GoD. Be expecting to hear an afterschool trio at the talent show singing the “Love song” we learned that week, too!
Now that most of the afterschoolers have learned the old testament, we are focusing on finding the books within the bible. Soon we will start learning the new testament.
LAst week we started our unit about the armor of god. Be expecting many pictures and videos to come with this unit, and from the past month! 

January 2011

Today we had the first few afterschoolers get their first touchdowns! That means that they have finally reached the end of the old testament! They have memorized them, along with knowing the first letter of the books in sign language. Here is the finished video that we made together to help them memorize the books!
Also, we are about to finish up our unit on jonah. Since I didn’t have much of a voice last week, luckily veggie tales had it covered with their full length Jonah movie. Afterschoolers had fun watching the video and learning about following God.

Bible Football Update (Nov 20th)

The kids have been playing hard during their time here at afterschool. They’ve had practice, drills, scrimmages, and games during the first few weeks of bible football. But now, to change it up a little bit, we are going to play brazilian bible football, which is soccer. 
Also, the students are working on learning the books of the Old testament. Later, I will add the video that we made together that we are using to help learn the books!

Bible Football (Nov. 8th)

Get ready....Bible Football is starting in Afterschool. The Students will be challenged through a series of games that will lead to the Bible Championship. 

Fruit of the Spirit (Oct. 21)

The past week, we have been learning about the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Here is a little clip from the afterschoolers present today singing the fruit song! I think they enjoyed it a little...

Sept. 26th

Since learning the story of the birth of moses, we’ve surfed through his life growing up. We’ve made it all the way to the crossing of the Red sea! It is my goal to review what we’ve learned through some interesting games this coming week, along with introducing the Ten Commandments! Then, next week we will start the movie, Prince of Egypt! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Moses (Sept 13th)

This month, we are studying the life of Moses. Over the past week, we have learned about the birth of moses. our culture activity for the past week was introducing theater skills to the kiddos. They learned about settings, scenes, characters,  script, etc...
Here is the product of all of the hard work that the students have been working on! The only thing not created by the students is the video...everything else was all them! 
Please excuse the scene that did not get taped! I’m not sure what happened! I also haven’t figured out how to slow down the word scrolling on my new movie making program! Will be complete soon!

Books Of the Old Testament (Nov. 30th)

Here's the video that has the old testament on it.  (Edited April 19th: this actually has the complete video on it from January!)

Previous Blog Entries

Here are all the blog entries from the old website! I don't know what has been happening with it, but it just won't post right. So, I decided to put it all on here!
